Wednesday, April 6, 2011

13th Week: A2 and A3 Presentation


  1. i like the shoes manipulated image. simple!
    i like the ghost manipulated image. cute!

    i want to try that ghost effect.actually i was planning to do one before for my assignment..had tried but failed..

    oh, actually i have this one comment about ur book cover since in the class...never had time to spill.. i think the in the main picture of dining, lighting exposure is lacking..the book cover will be super nice if all are clear and cheerful because if im not mistaken, i always saw interior books as cheerful and happening^^
    but i like the idea of interior book.superb!


  2. Ya la, saya pun fikir macam kak Syifak fikir untuk book cover tu. Kulit buka macam agak malap..Tapi tak tercakap masa kat kelas (^_^)
    By the way, saya suka dengan hasil kerja Lai. Simple tapi cantik kesemuanya.
    Hebat! Tahniah!

  3. i like yg cover book.. da mcm cover majalah hehee..

    best2..gelap pon xpe.. sbb seni..
    gOod Job lai..:)

  4. I like the Tip3:clone stamp..good idea! I never think of this technique can apply by this way.

  5. ermm kalu tgk antara semua saya suka part yg mahal skali rim bmw..perh cantik..kalu lah betul2 dapat mcm tu la..pasang dekat kereta saya erm..bestnya..dh xnampak tayar dah..nampak sport rim je la...(actually logo dia je yg nampak mahal tu)...ahaks!
